A Steminist Society
STEM does not want women.
It needs women.
As the effects of STEM constantly surround us, it is important that the people working behind the scenes on these innovations represent a rich pool of diversity. In the work space, diversity will allow for fresh new ideas that will better affect the lives of a larger span of people. Diversity will also allow for new solutions to old problems that have been plaguing society.
Countless data has shown that women are underrepresented in STEM's work force, and in the field's where they may be equally present in, majority are not in leadership positions.
Lead-her Opportunities Outreach Program (LOOP), works to address the growing gender gap in STEM. A team of high school girls engage in month leadership sessions preparing them for a career in STEM while creating activities for current Jr. High girls to help them develop their love for STEM.
In these events girls have the opportunity to meet mentors, both virtually and in-person who help them find their place in the vast world of STEM. As well as see how their interest, which they originally believed had nothing to do with STEM, is and can be closely related. These young women will gain insight into their future, gain an honest understanding about STEM will graduate with a network of female individuals of many different backgrounds.
Besides outside of school mentors, the young women of LOOP in the high school engagement sessions will work on team building exercises and practice supportive relationships with their female colleagues.